Prominent Lawyer Donates Virtual Bricks for Charity

26 October, 2021
Author: Wishlist

Prominent Sunshine Coast lawyer Peter Boyce has thrown his support behind health foundation Wishlist’s drive to raise $2 million by 2022 for their major project Wishlist Centre.

Through his Nambour-based business - Butler McDermott Lawyers - Mr Boyce has donated $25,000 to become a Haven Room Donor – equivalent to 1,250 Virtual Bricks.

Wishlist Centre will be Australia’s first facility to offer affordable patient accommodation, primary healthcare and complementary therapies under one roof, and is currently under construction opposite the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH).

“Wishlist recently launched their Donate a Virtual Brick appeal which we can all get behind with each virtual brick costing just $20,” Mr Boyce said.

“This is the largest project we have embarked upon, and as Chairman for Wishlist we see the need for such a Centre.

“Wishlist’s existing accommodation Reed House and Wishlist House is seeing increased occupancy rates, especially with rural and remote patients needing to travel to SCUH for medical treatment.”

Once open mid-next year, Wishlist Centre will deliver increased patient accommodation, cancer support services, primary healthcare, youth mental health programs and more.

“The need for this type of centre in close proximity to the hospital is essential and I think it’s a privilege to be able to contribute to our community,” Mr Boyce added.

“The Sunshine Coast community is renowned for its generosity in giving to worthy causes such as this.”

At time of print, more than 38,030 virtual bricks have been donated, totalling over $760,000.

Wishlist CEO Lisa Rowe encouraged more local businesses to get onboard to become Haven Room or Foundation Donors.

“We are extremely thankful to businesses such as Butler McDermott Lawyers, Ausmar Homes and Hutchinson Builders, as well as local couple Nathan and Tara Osborn, who have donated $25,000 each to make Wishlist Centre all is must be for patients and families,” Ms Rowe said. “These generous donations will be forever acknowledged within the Centre when we open next year.

“This appeal allows you, your family, work mate, business or neighbour to get behind your local hospital foundation and leave a legacy because we really need your help. As we approach Christmas, we are also asking businesses to consider donating a virtual brick to thank their clients in lieu of a Christmas gift.

“Let’s get to it Sunshine Coast because it could be you or your family who one day benefit from Wishlist Centre.”

To Donate a Virtual Brick visit