Nominate your local hero for Council's Australia Day Awards

Nominations for the 2013 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards close on 28 December – so don’t miss the chance to …

Get involved and get connected during Social Inclusion Week

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson will officially open Social Inclusion Week celebrations at 10am on Thursday …

Coolum back on Christmas Tree Trail

Coolum Business and Tourism Association Inc. will celebrate the town’s inclusion on Council’s 2012 Christmas Tree Trail …

Take care higher temperatures predicted for Sunshine Coast

With high temperatures expected to impact the Sunshine Coast in coming days, the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) is …

The grass is greener in Moffat Beach

Moffat Beach Park, the picturesque surfside park on the corner of Seaview Terrace and Queen of Colonies Parade in Moffat …

Coast clubs urged to Get into the Game

Sport and Recreation Minister Steve Dickson is reminding all sport and recreation clubs that time is almost up to apply …

Christmas for the troops 2012

A message from Federal Member for Fairfax, the Hon. Alex Somlyay MP…
The Christmas period is when most of us get to …