Mooloolaba Road will soon see an innovative half-a-bout be constructed as part of the $10.4 million safety improvements, due to start at the end of the month.
Member for Buderim Steve Dickson said the construction would work as half a roundabout, and would be installed allowing for U-turns at the entrance of Panorama Crescent.
“The half-a-bout will provide maximum convenience to motorists, which was one of the priorities raised during recent community consultation about this high crash zone,” Dickson said.
“Eastbound access will be provided for movements out of Nyes Crescent and with all traffic movements currently available at Panorama Crescent to be maintained.
“This construction will assist in reducing crash risks at the busy intersection and will provide a convenient U-turn facility for westbound motorists, as well as being useful for motorists exiting Nyes Crescent and wishing to travel east.
“The half-a-bout will incorporate a pedestrian refuge to provide a link to the existing footpaths east and west of Panorama Crescent.
“It also takes up less room than a standard roundabout and will fit in the available road space.”
The half-a-bout will operate under the same road rules as a roundabout and clear signage will be installed.
Feedback on the original project design was received from more than 70 members of the local community and as a result, a separate project, installing a pedestrian facility on King Street near Eckersley Avenue, will be considered.
Mr Dickson said funding for the facility would compete against other pedestrian priorities in the region.
“We tried to incorporate community feedback into the design at Foote Avenue but the design had to remain to allow for increased curve radius, improved visibility and drainage,” he said.
“Traffic calming devices will be installed to encourage drivers to slow down approaching the Foote Avenue intersection and throughout the project area.
“The safety improvement project will improve cyclist and pedestrian facilities by widening the road shoulder between Buderim Pines Drive and Foote Avenue.
“I would like to thank motorists in advance for their patience while we make these critical safety improvements and I ask them to pay attention to sign and traffic controls.”
The half-a-bout works are expected to be completed by late 2014, and will be completed in three stages.
Full details of the project design are available at«>>. Updated maps below or here.