Have your say in shaping Queensland’s future

9 August, 2013
Author: Charles Hodgson

Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson today encouraged Sunshine Coast residents to get involved in The Queensland Plan before consultation closes on 30 August.
Fiona Simpson today hosted a forum in Maroochydore to get feedback from local residents on the six questions collaboratively developed with community members at the summit in Mackay earlier this year.
“The Queensland Plan is a plan for Queenslanders, by Queenslanders. It will help us provide a 30 year vision for Queensland,” Ms Simpson said.
“We heard some interesting ideas today, in particular about supporting small business and growing more jobs locally to help us retain the younger generations,” Ms Simpson said.
“Time is running out to answer the six questions that we want all Queenslanders to consider.”
“Your answers to these questions will help shape our State’s future.”
The questions are available online for your ideas and feedback:

  • In the context of living in the community, how do we move our focus from me to we?
  • How do we create and foster an education culture that teaches skills and values to meet global challenges and optimise regional strengths?
  • How do we empower and educate individuals, communities and institutions to embrace responsibility for an active and healthy lifestyle?
  • How do we structure our economy to ensure our children inherit a resilient future?
  • How do we strengthen our economic future and achieve sustainable landscapes?
  • How do we attract and retain the brightest minds and ideas where they are most needed and capitalise on global opportunities?

“You can provide your answers online at <www.qld.gov.au/queenslandplan> or by emailing my office at Maroochydore@parliament.qld.gov.au,” Ms Simpson said.
For more information go to <www.qld.gov.au/queenslandplan>.