Fatality Free Friday – Will you make the pledge?

28 May, 2013
Author: Charles Hodgson

[Video] Sunshine Coast Council has thrown its support behind a national road safety campaign to encourage safe driving and help reduce the road toll.
Council has partnered with the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the Department of Transport and Main Roads to host two community road safety events in the lead up to Fatality Free Friday, held nationally on Friday 31 May.
Mayor Mark Jamieson said the initiative, which aims to have no road deaths nationwide on 31 May, supports council’s longer term road safety programs in its Sustainable Transport Strategy 2011-2031.
“QPS records show that 125 people have died on Sunshine Coast roads in the last five years,” he said.
“This is an alarming statistic and a sobering reminder for drivers not to be complacent.
“It also reinforces the importance of ongoing council and community road safety initiatives and partnerships that ultimately aim to prevent road accidents.
“As part of the Fatality Free Friday campaign, we’re encouraging people to sign a pledge. The pledge includes safety tips for drivers to remember when they get behind the wheel.”
Residents can take the pledge online or attend a road safety information day at the Sunshine Plaza today. Motorcycle champion and campaign ambassador Chris Vermeulen will be at the Plaza encouraging locals to get involved.
“On average, about 5.3 people die on Australia’s roads each day – Fatality Free Friday aims to reduce that statistic to zero for just one day,” Mr Vermeulen said.
“If people consciously think about driving safely for one day a year, it’s hoped they’ll start to think about it every time they drive.”
Council and its partners will also have a road safety display at the Big Pineapple on Fatality Free Friday. 125 pairs of thongs will be placed at the entry to the tourist attraction, representing the number of deaths on Sunshine Coast roads during the last five years.
Visit council’s website for more information on Fatality Free Friday events and to sign the road safety pledge.