Expressions of interest called for Right back @ U arts program

18 June, 2012
Author: Charles Hodgson

Sunshine Coast Council’s Caloundra Regional Gallery is calling for expressions of interest for both mentoring artists and emerging artists living with a disability to participate in the Right Back @ U community project.
Division 2 Councillor Tim Dwyer said the Right Back @ U will provide creative opportunities for local artists living with a disability.
“We are currently calling for both established artists to participate in the mentoring program and artists with a disability to further develop their craft,” he said.
“Right Back @ U recognises the important contribution that people with a disability make to Australia’s artistic and cultural activities.
“It will also empower artists with a disability to have a stronger voice within the arts sector.
“We are looking for expressions of interest from artists to produce portraiture and self-portraiture works within the theme ‘What’s in your Head’ reflecting their experiences and connections developed throughout the mentoring program. “
Councillor Dwyer said mentoring opportunities for the Right Back @ U program are also available for established artists in the areas of 2D New Media and 2D Traditional.
“Prospective mentors should be formally qualified and have a continuing arts practice with experience working in the community,” he said.
“Mentors wishing to apply must state any prior experience working with people living with a disability and/or a willingness to do so, hold a current Blue Card and liability insurance.
“Mentors will be asked to provide a workshop proposal that focuses on the artistic and personal development to take place over a course of six three-hour sessions.
“To apply artists and mentors must submit an expression of interest by Friday 29 June 2012.”
The Right Back @ U program is scheduled to commence on 16 July to 16 October 2012 and will culminate in an exhibition at the Caloundra Regional Gallery from 21 November 2012 to 13 January 2013. The exhibition will be an important event on the Social Inclusion Week calendar from Saturday 24 November to Sunday 2 December 2012.
For full details on the Right Back @ U program including the Expression of Interest criteria to be addressed phone Caloundra Regional Gallery on 5420 8299 or email